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CRO 2009 Update


Hello everyone.

I would like to update everyone on things happening at CRO.

Lets start off by thanking the Sponsors we have on CRO, Drivers/Teams and the fans for all your support which has helped use grow again.

As we stand to date we have had over 26.5 Million hits to CRO. which is up from last year at this time 22.4 Million hits. Forcasting for about 35 Million hits for the year.

Break down of where CRO get its visits.

Direct Traffic (Users Visiting the site) 64.20%
Referring Sites                                24.01%
Search Engine Traffic                       11.79% (Up a lot over last year)

Membership is up this year and I must say the 10Th year of CRO went smooth. A couple of small problems but a great year and I must thank the people that come to CRO for their racing fix and I'm already planning for the 2010 season.

We will be having the NCATS contest again with more prizes as well opening up a contest for local tracks to participate in. The reason for this is we really want to support your favorite tracks. So if your a track owner or  track manager/promoter. please contact us and we can work out a contest.

Delaware forum has really seen a great amount a readership and yes Shadowracer is the reason for this. He took on a big task and I thought it would drive him batty but he handled it well as he really supports his home track. I would like to see if I could find mods for all tracks we have that have that passion like Shadowracer does for his home track.

Contact me if you want to mod for your home track and we will see what we can do. I learned a lot from Shadowracer and I really want to put the forum back in the hands of the members that support their tracks as this is what it is all about.

Some think it's about the money and they are wrong as CRO doesn't give me money as I have to pay for things so if someone was to do a audit they would see it is done for the love of racing and not money. The reason I try to raise money for CRO is to upgrade it and get better software to run the site.

I'm looking to put CRO on a Dedicated server in 2010 and will be looking to get sponsors to make this happen as this is about a 250.00US Monthly charge to do so but I feel it will speed the system up and allow us to do much more with CRO.

Some of you might have heard I have talked to a couple people about selling the site and yes this is true but as I write this message now CRO is not for sale and we are only looking for partners & sponsors at this time.

I would like to thank all mods on CRO as, the site wouldn't run smooth without them.

Thanks for all your support and enjoy the rest of the racing season.



Thanx for the time you put into this site Evan as I am sure your hourly earnings rate is somewhere between slim and none ;)


You would be right when you say none.

It's still hard to believe we are in are tenth year.

--- Quote from: ernie on September 30, 2009, 04:15:35 PM ---Thanx for the time you put into this site Evan as I am sure your hourly earnings rate is somewhere between slim and none ;)

--- End quote ---


Thanks for your kindnesses Evan, but the board didn't need me to make it a already was when I got here.

But, if it'll cause someone to take up the mantle for their own home track, then what the hey...I'll take it. The sport needs more amatuer night photogs and reporters.

I'm just glad to be a part of it.

Congratulations for sticking it out so long. I know if I was in your shoes there's a few times I might have given up. This is a great site and a great community.



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