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Increasingly in my life I am finding I am getting frustrated with the world at large, and personal relationships are becoming a nightmare of epidemic proportions. Why has the world come to see that lack of respect for your fellow man and constantly going off into the world to "do unto others then split" seems to be many people's modus operendi. Maybe I am just having a bad day, maybe I am jaded from years of working in industry that is closer to the gutter than the average retail worker, maybe I am imagining things that really are not that way. Please don't misunderstand me, I am not saying that all people have become this type of person, many have not. It just seems that I find these people with more regularity than I ever have before. Have I become something of a changed man to have come to these conclusions, where once the optimistic young ideals have started to fade? I am lucky to have so many people in my life who truly do care, and who would go to any end of the world to come to my assistance, yet it is frustrating for me to deal with these self important individuals who I encounter every day. Is this the new world? Have our lives become so important and busy that we do not show the common courtesy to our fellow man? Why do people keep driving when an emergency vehicle approaches? Is it so important for these people to "get ahead" and put one over on someone else they would risk injury to someone who they don't know, most likely because they don't know them?

Some questions for all of us to think about.


Boy do you have issues!!!


Thanks :)


Thunder6 unfortunetly as we grow older we tend to lose the carefree spirit we carried in our younger days. That spirit allowed to ignore the bad and focus on the good. In todays world a lot of people are focused on themselves and only themselves, we are seeing the ME generation. When we were growing up if you displayed rudeness your parents put you in your place, you were raised to respect others or else. In today's generation unfortunetly we have those parents that are terrified by their children, and thus you have the ME ME ME factor rearing it's ugly head, and don't get me wrong, I am not saying all parents think this way but it doesn't take many to create the problem. A simple thing such as respect for others is slowly going out the window. That ability to block out the bad when we were younger, fades with age and responsibility. If you are one that is now noticing the bad then you are the type of person that I for one feel proud to call my friend. That shows that you reconize the need to respect others and do you best to do so. We must focus on the positive, not the negative, to turn things around once again. For those who lack the respect for others, well they will eventually fall to the bottom of the pile, cause sooner or later someone will come along who will not take it and beat them their. Simple values of respect and tollerance is something I like to think is not totally lost but will rise to reclaim the world around us once again. Hang in there Keven we are not all jerks just some....



--- Quote from: Thunder6 on July 09, 2008, 03:39:46 AM ---Increasingly in my life I am finding I am getting frustrated with the world at large, and personal relationships are becoming a nightmare of epidemic proportions. Why has the world come to see that lack of respect for your fellow man and constantly going off into the world to "do unto others then split" seems to be many people's modus operendi. Maybe I am just having a bad day, maybe I am jaded from years of working in industry that is closer to the gutter than the average retail worker, maybe I am imagining things that really are not that way. Please don't misunderstand me, I am not saying that all people have become this type of person, many have not. It just seems that I find these people with more regularity than I ever have before. Have I become something of a changed man to have come to these conclusions, where once the optimistic young ideals have started to fade? I am lucky to have so many people in my life who truly do care, and who would go to any end of the world to come to my assistance, yet it is frustrating for me to deal with these self important individuals who I encounter every day. Is this the new world? Have our lives become so important and busy that we do not show the common courtesy to our fellow man? Why do people keep driving when an emergency vehicle approaches? Is it so important for these people to "get ahead" and put one over on someone else they would risk injury to someone who they don't know, most likely because they don't know them?

Some questions for all of us to think about.

--- End quote ---

Thanks Thunder 6 for posting this. You have hit the nail on the head.



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