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Author Topic: 2009 - anyone interested in a traveling series?  (Read 1781 times)

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Offline RacingMom3553

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2009 - anyone interested in a traveling series?
« on: September 08, 2008, 05:58:38 PM »
The 2008 racing season is winding down and I have really missed the opportunity this year to travel to other tracks with the travelling JCAR series. The camaraderie that was developed amongst the teams was awesome and it was reflected in the racing on the track. The campfires/bbqs/corn roasts shared with the other teams made this group really special and the kids always had such a great time. I am really looking forward to the Sauble weekend on Sept 20th.

We have been racing at GBS for 7 years now and I expect to continue to race in the GBS home series next year. I enjoy the racing, the track, the people and the feel of the Bend, but I also enjoyed the traveling and miss it. I did fit another race at another track into our schedule this year and it wasn't the same - traveling with the group of people was the difference. I really hope that a traveling series for Junior Late Models, Mini Trucks, and possibly the Microsprints would be possible for 2009, even if it had to be a club separate from JCAR.

Ultimately the number of participants will determine the feasibility of the idea. What might it take to resurrect a traveling series for 2009?

Who might be interested in the opportunity to travel is 2009 as part of JCAR or a separate club? What things might make the difference maker between your race teams interest/disinterest? Would you be interested in double-header weekends on the Civic and Labour Day weekends that cut down the driving by doing something like a Sauble/Varney or Kawartha/Peterborough? Are there Sauble, Varney or Junior Race League based teams that might be interested if it could be arranged around your home track schedule?

Lets get the discussion and idea sharing started. Be positive and suggest what would it take to make it happen instead of blowing off the idea as unworkable.


2009 - anyone interested in a traveling series?
« on: September 08, 2008, 05:58:38 PM »


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